terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011

Live Holdem Poker Pro v4.13

Se você gosta de poker, vale o jogo Live Holdem Poker Pro v4.13 vale cada kbs baixado. Muito bacana, intuitivo e acima de tudo divertido. Dá uma olhada quantas opções disponiveis nesta versão Download aqui
Game features: * Live Chat * Personal Avatars * Shootout tournament mode * Sit-n-Go tournamet Mode * Ring Games * Free daily Gold * Lottery Draw * 200+ Virtual goods you can send ppl on tables * Facebook connect for fast registration (optional) * Save to SD card We request the following permissions for the following reasons: - Network communications – 1.To play online with other players. 2.To enable the possibility of using Google in-app billing. - Phone calls: Preventing “phone time-outs” in the middle of the game. - Storage: To enable saving data on your SD card. - Vibration: Notification in silent areas. - Text messaging permission: To enable the possibility of purchasing premium services. - Billing: To enable a possibility of purchasing premium services.

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